Name: Ir. Soekarno
Call Name: Bung Karno
Small Name: Kusno.
Born: Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901
Died: Jakarta, June 21, 1970
Grave: Blitar, East Java
Title (Heroes): Proclaimer
Position: First President (1945-1966)
Wife and Children: Three wives of eight children
Fatmawati wife, children: Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and Thunder
Hartini wife, children: Typhoon and Bayu
Wife Ratna Sari Dewi, the woman called the original Japanese derivative Naoko Nemoto, a child: Kartika.
Father: Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo
Mother: Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai
HIS in Surabaya (boarder at the house **** Tokroaminoto Said Kung, founder of the veteran politician Syarikat Islam)
HBS (Hoogere Burger School) graduated in 1920
THS (Technische Hoogeschool High school or technical knowledge is now the ITB) in Bandung, graduated May 25, 1926
Teachings: Marhaenisme
Political Activities: Establishing the PNI (Indonesian National Party) on July 4, 1927
Imprisoned in Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29, 1929
Joining lead Partindo (1931)
Exiled to Ende, Flores in 1933 and four years later moved to Bengkulu.
Formulating the Pancasila June 1, 1945
Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, 1945
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2. H.M. Suharto

Name: H. Muhammad Soeharto
Born: Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Godean, June 1, 1921
Meningal: January 27, 2008
Religion: Islam
Last Position: President of the Republic of Indonesia (1966-1998)
Rank: General Large (Five Star)
Wife: Mrs. Tien Soeharto (Siti Hartinah)
Siti Hardiyanti Hastuti (Mbak Tutut)
Sigit Harjojudanto
Bambang Trihatmodjo
Siti Hediati
Hutomo Mandala Putra (Tommy)
Siti Hutami Endang Adiningsih
Father: Kertosudiro
Mother: Sukirah
No.8 Jalan Cendana, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
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3. B.J. Habibie

Name: Prof.. Dr.Ing. Dr. Sc.h.c. Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie
Born: Pare-Pare, June 25, 1936
Religion: Islam
Position: Third President (1998-1999)
Founder and Chairman of the Board of Trustees The Habibie Center
Wife: dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie (Married May 12, 1962)
Children: Ilham Akbar and Thareq Kemal
Grandchildren: Four people
Father: Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie
Mother: R.A. Tuti Marini Puspowardoyo
Number of Brothers: The Brothers Four of Eight
1. ITB Bandung, in 1954
2. Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochscule (RWTH), Aachen, Germany, with the degree Diplom-Ingenieur, cum laude at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Construction of Aircraft (1955-1960).
3. Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochscule (RWTH), Aachen, Germany, with a doctorate aircraft construction, summa cum laude, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Design and Construction of Aircraft (1960-1965).
4. Delivering the inaugural speech professor of aircraft construction in the ITB Bandung, in the year 1977.
1. Head of Research and Development of Structure Analysis on the company's Hamburger Flugzeugbau GmbH, Hamburg, Germany between the years 1965-1969.
2. Head of Methods and Technology Division of Commercial Aircraft and Military Transport MBB GmbH, in Hamburg and Munich between 1969-19973
3. Vice President and Director of Technology at MBB GmbH, Hamburg and Munich in 1973-1978
4. Senior Technology Adviser to the Board of Directors of MBB in 1978.
5. Return to Indonesia and led the Advanced Technology Division, Pertamina, which is the origin of BPPT, years 1974-1978.
6. The Indonesian government adviser on Technology and Development Aircraft, responsible directly to the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soeharto in the year 1974-1978.
7. Minister of State for Research and Technology (Research and Technology) and Chairman of the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in 1978-1998.
8. Vice President R.I. on March 11, 1998-21 May 1998.
9. May 21 President 1998-20 October 1999.
Founder and Chairman of the ICMI
Theodore Van Karman Award
From various sources including The Habibie Center and the Suharto Center.com
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4. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)

Name: Abdurrahman Wahid
Born: Denanyar, Jombang, East Java, August 4, 1940.
Dear Parent: Wahid Hasyim (father), Solechah (mother).
Wife: Sinta Nuriyah
The children: Alisa Qotrunada Anisa Arifah Zannuba Inayah Hayatunufus Regis
• Pesantren Pond Rice, Jombang (1959-1963)
• Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies High Level, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (1964-1966)
• Faculty of Letters of the University of Baghdad (1966-1970)
• Islamic School Teacher Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of the University Ushuludin Hasyim Ashari (a branch of theology and philosophy of law is concerned)
• Chairman of the Jakarta Art Center (1983-1985)
• Inventor Pesantren Ciganjur (1984-present)
• Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (1984-1999)
• Chairman of the Democracy Forum (1990)
• Chairman of the Conference on Religion and World Peace (1994)
• Members of the Assembly (1999)
• President of the Republic of Indonesia (20 October 1999-24 July 2001)
• Magsaysay Award from the Philippine government for his efforts to develop inter-religious relations in Indonesia (1993)
• Award of the governmental Islamic Da'wah Egypt (1991)
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5. Megawati Soekarno Putri

Name: Dr. (HC) Hj. Megawati Sukarnoputri
Full Name: Dyah Permata Megawati Sukarnoputri Lahi
Born: Yogyakarta, January 23, 1947
Religion: Islam
Husband: Taufik Kiemas
Child: 3 people, (2 sons, 1 daughter)
:: President Ke-5 RI (2001 - 2004)
:: Vice President (1999 - 2001)
:: Members of the DPR / MPR RI (1999)
:: Members of the DPR / MPR RI (1987-1992)
:: SD s / d Perguruan Cikini high school
:: Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University (1965-1967)
:: Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia (1970-1972).
:: GMNI Activist, 1965-1972
:: Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) Central Jakarta Branch
:: PDI Chairman, 1993-1998, General Assembly 1993 Results, December 22 1993-1998
:: Chairman of the PDI Struggle, 1998-April 2000, Congress Results 1998, Sanur, Bali, 8-10 October 1998
:: Chairman of Struggle PDI, April 2000-2005, results of the PDI-P Congress, Semarang, Central Java, April 2000
:: Participants in the International Convention of Islamic Women in Pakistan, 1994
:: "Priyadarshni Award" from the institution Priyadarshni Academy, Mumbay, India, 19 September 1998
:: Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Waseda, Tokyo, Japan, 29 September 2001
Office Address:
Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 6 Jakarta 10110
Home Address:
:: Official: Teuku Umar Street 27-A, Jakarta Pusat
:: Personal: Jl. Fineness IV No. 45 RT 010 RW 04, Kel. Fineness Kec. Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta
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6. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Name: Army General (ret.) Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
Born: Pacitan, East Java, 9 September 1949
Religion: Islam
Wife: Christian Herawati,
The third daughter of the late Gen. (Ret.) Sarwo Edhi Wibowo
Children: Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono and Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono
Last Rank:
General TNI (September 25, 2000)
= Armed Forces Academy (Akabri) in 1973
= American Language Course, Lackland, Texas, USA, 1976
= Airbone and Ranger Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1976
= Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Fort Benning, USA, 1982-1983
= On the job training in the 82-nd Airbone Division, Fort Bragg, USA, 1983
= Jungle Warfare School, Panama, 1983
= Antitank Weapon Course in Belgium and Germany, 1984
= Battalion Command Course, 1985
= Army Command School, 1988-1989
= Command and General Staff College, Fort = Leavenwort, Kansas, USA
Master of Arts (MA) from Management Webster University, Missouri, USA
- And the 330 Airborne Yonif Tonpan Kostrad (1974-1976)
- And 305 Yonif Tonpan Kostrad (1976-1977)
- And Mr. Mo 81 Yonif Airborne Kostrad 330 (1977)
- 17th Airborne Pasi-2/Ops Mabrigif Kujang I Kostrad (1977-1978)
- And the 330 Airborne Yonif Kipan Kostrad (1979-1981)
- SOPs SUAD Paban Young (1981-1982)
- Commander of the Infantry School Coach (1983-1985)
- And 744 Dam Yonif IX / Udayana (1986-1988)
- Dam SOPs Paban Madyalat IX / Udayana (1988)
- Lecturer Seskoad (1989-1992)
- Korspri Armed Forces Commander (1993)
- And Brigif Airborne 17 Kujang 1 Kostrad (1993-1994)
- Asops Kodam Jaya (1994-1995)
- 072/Pamungkas Kodam Danrem IV / Diponegoro (1995)
- Chief Military Observer United Nations Peace Forces (UNPF) in Bosnia-Herzegovina (since the beginning of November 1995)
- Kasdam Jaya (1996-only five months)
- Regional Commander II / Sriwijaya (1996 -) and Chairman Bakorstanasda
- Chairman of the Armed Forces faction Assembly (MPR Special Session 1998)
- Chief of Staff of the Territorial (caster Armed Forces (1998-1999)
- Mentamben (since October 26, 1999)
- Coordinating Polsoskam (Government President KH Abdurrahman Wahid)
- Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs (Government of President Megawati Sukarnopotri) resigned March 11, 2004
Operation East Timor (1979-1980), and 1986-1988
- Adi Makayasa (best graduates Akabri 1973)
- Honorour Graduated IOAC, USA, 1983
- Figures for Best Oral Language, 2003.
Jl. Alternative Cibubur Indah Puri Cikeas
No. 2 Village Nagrag Kec. Gunung Putri, Bogor 16,967

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