East Kalimantan is the largest province in Indonesia and is known by his Dayak tribal community life.
Data and Statistics

This province consists of 4 districts (Kutai, Berau, Bulungan, Sand) and 2 municipalities (Samarinda and Balikpapan).
Geographically, situated in 2 º 27 '20 "S - 4 º 24' 55" N and 113 º 49 '00 "- 119 º 57' E. Northern boundary is the State of Sabah (East Malaysia); the eastern border of Makassar Strait, Celebes Sea, and Strait Sulawesi South Kalimantan southern boundary and western boundary is Central Kalimantan, West, and the State of Sarawak.
Historically, East is the pioneer of civilization in Indonesia with the discovery of the oldest kingdoms, the Kingdom Mulawarman at Muara Kaman, who stood at the IV century AD.
Is the famous king Nala Mulawarman god. Formerly of East Kalimantan is composed of a variety of jobs, the famous one is the kingdom of Kutai Kartanegara. Kaltim natives consists of three major tribes: Dayak, Kutai and Banjar. In addition there are another few more tribes, including tribes Bilungan, Tidung, Berusu, Abai, Kayan, and tribal settlers.
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