Year Without Summer
5 April 1815 - until the Spring of 1817
More than 150,000 People Killed
Billions in losses form a Damaged Rice
and Ruin Other
Three separate fires lump rising up so high, and entire surface of the mountain was once covered by the incandescent lava, which expanded to a great distance; the stones, among others for the head, falling within the scope of the diameter of several kilometers, and the fragments spread in the air has resulted in total darkness ... ash released so much that lead to total darkness in Java, a distance as far as 310 miles (500 km). This ash resulting total darkness at noon
, and covering the ground and the roof with a layer several inches thick.
- Sir Stamford Raffles, Governor General Java1 --
Snow began falling around 8 o'clock in the morning - down with rain and drizzle until after 14:00 o'clock. Peaks have been crowned by the snow on each side. The most dismal weather and incredible I've ever seen.
- Bennington, Vermont, farmer Benjamin Harwood,
in his diary early in June 18162
Nuclear Winter
If the flying missiles, and unimaginable event occurs, then the human race does not just have to face death and destruction that has been caused by nuclear, but also should (according to many renowned scientists, including Carl Sagan) nuclear winter.
Nuclear explosions can produce temperatures ranging from 5400 to 7200 degrees Fahrenheit (2980-3980 ° C). Almost all items will burn at this temperature, and if the burning material is organic (human, tree), then the resulting smoke, thick and unhealthy for the breathing, maybe it is not toxic. However, if the material was burned plastic, or glass, or chemicals, or synthetic materials, the gas produced and appeared in the form of smoke may be quite deadly.
Nuclear winter - embezzlement and cooling the atmosphere around the world - will happen when the smoke from one or more nuclear explosions, blocking sunlight reaching the ground, causing a drastic decrease in temperature, rice death everywhere, so do the strange weather that can be snow storms, summer, and a polluted fog.
Nuclear winter that will destroy life forms innumerable, and since has been estimated that Nuclear war between the United States and Russia or China would kill at least one billion people at once, then the nuclear winter that followed believed would kill a billion more.
In 1816, the northeastern United States has obtained the study - in a very small scale - about anything connected with the nuclear winter when the English and the Atlantic coast suffered a year without a summer punctuated by.
Why in June (summer should be) of snow has fallen in Connecticut?
Why is there frost in July in New Hampshire?
The answer is because Mount Tambora Fire located on Sumbawa Island in Indonesia has erupted in the previous year, the volcano spewed ash in the largest amount in the air, in history. Require 104 years for scientists to understand the connection that happens; in 1920 they finally succeeded, and since then, there are explanations for the year without a summer - and a new understanding of the effects could be caused by volcanic eruptions on Earth weather.
Everyone thought that Tambora had become extinct. But it is not the case. On April 5, 1815, as tall as Goliath thirteen thousand feet of this (+ 3960 m) have been built and issued a series of echoes roar his presence, and heard in the distance thousands of miles. For five days, the mountain spewed ash in the amount that could demolish the houses in Sumbawa because of its weight. Ash is thick and impenetrable by the sun so that the inhabitants of the island could hardly see his hand in front of their faces. On April 10, culminating with the eruption cloud was a very large fire, which twisted to one another and established on the mountain lit.
This incident was followed by a hurricane, which may be similar to the phenomenon of meteorological storm of fire - a fire storm that formed during forest fires is very great. Like a vacuum, this chaos has swept humans, animals and houses, flying into the air. Living things mutilated and burned, inanimate objects were destroyed and torn apart into pieces innumerable.
Strength exceeds the ability of Tambora eruption of the mountain and the island where the mountain stands. As this mountain releasing tons of rock, lava, and ash, the mountain began to shrink, from thirteen thousand feet (3960 m) to nine thousand feet (2740 m), and ironically the surface of the island began to rise, the ash piled several inches . Ash that has a depth of more than three feet (90 m +), also sucking water around Sumbawa - and finish the work of destruction of human Tambora in its range. Ash had killed all the vegetables, and starvation soon to follow, combined with a cholera epidemic, has increased the number of 80,000 deaths where 12,000 people were killed instantly during the eruption.
Eruption Without Summer
One observer thought that the Tambora eruption of ash that has been issued by this volcano, if distributed evenly will probably cover the whole of Germany. Most of the ash did not fall to the ground, but remains in the atmosphere, and began traveling around the world carried by the wind.
A very large cloud has led to decreasing temperature of the earth, and the destruction of the summer rice began yellowing in Europe and the UK.
Temperature in June was far below normal, and contributed to the damage that was caused by prolonged drought. The farmers began to take the road to feed them corn harvest could on their cattle, so as not to lose their flocks. In Switzerland, the people who have eaten the starving dogs and cats are lost. The farmers of New York was forced to dig a potato plant that had just planted to feed their families.
Summer frost has killed the strange set of rice soon this trick planted crops
. People began to hunt raccoon (mammal like cats) and pigeons to eat. Hunger and disease are estimated to have increased the number of dead is almost as much as 50,000, the overall number of deaths Tambora Mountain, although at that time no one who understands the link between the year without summer and volcanic eruptions that were located thousands of miles, and broke hundreds of days in period then this.
Even though they understand it, the farmers seem to nineteenth-century England was a quiet and stoic would not have believed.
1 Karen Farrington, Natural Disasters, 44.
2 Keith Heidom, "Eighteen Hundred and froze to Death," The Weather Doctor in
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