Friday, November 20, 2009

Reach Asad Persinas 'Outstanding Performance' at the World Arts Festival

Reach Asad Persinas 'Outstanding Performance' at the World Arts Festival
Universities and National Silat (Persinas) Asad who represented Indonesia boasts achievement in the World Arts Festival (Chungju World Martial Arts Festival) in Chungju South Korea. Asad Persinas major achievement of three best participants with predicate exceptional (outstanding performance) with participants from Japan and China.

Asad appointed Persinas PB IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia) Indonesia together with college represents Joko Tole Silat Madura and universities Pamor Pamekasan. Asad himself Persinas Pengda Persinas represented by West Java later despatch five pendekarnya from Bandung. Three musketeers still sitting in junior high school and two vocational lainnnya age.

Chungju World Martial Arts Festival is a festival of martial arts as the world held once every 10 years. Where, from various countries will show the typical martial respectively. For example, the Pencak Silat Indonesia, China in Wushu, Korea with Taekgyeon, Canada with Oki Chi Taw and Australia with Tai-Kin-Jeri. PB IPSI himself had attended the festival of the martial world since World Martial Arts Union (WOMAU) held the first time. The festival was always inviting martial flow 56 from 45 countries from 5 continents.

For festival Chungju Martial Arts martial to be held at 11 this Tangeumdae Chungju UN Peace Park starting from October 2 to October 8, 2008. 28 countries attended the festival which consists of 51 teams with the number of warriors of 1210.

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