Saturday, July 25, 2009

Miscellaneous Dance Indonesia

1. Gantar Dance
Dance movements that describe the people to plant rice. Depicts a stick of wood and bamboo pounder while the seeds therein described the seeds of rice and wadahnya.
This dance is quite famous and often presented in the reception guests and events lainnya.Tari is not only recognized by the Dayak tribe Tunjung but also recognized by the Dayak tribe Benuaq. This dance can be divided into three versions of the dance Gantar Rayatn, Gantar Busai and oppressed Gantar / Gantar Kusak.
Dance War

2. Dancing Kancet Papatai / Dance War
Dance is told about a heroic battle against the Dayak Kenyah musuhnya. Dance movement is very nippy, nimble, peppy and sometimes followed by the screaming of the dancers.
In Kancet Pepatay dance, dancers wear traditional practice Dayak Kenyah tribe equipped with equipment such as saber-war, war shields and clothing. Dance is accompanied with songs Sak Paku and only the use of musical instruments.

Dancing Kancet Ledo

3. Dancing Kancet Ledo / Dance Gong
If Dancing Kancet Pepatay describe masculinity and male power Dayak Kenyah, the Dancing Kancet Ledo gentleness describe a girl like that a rice-bend contortion be blown by soft wind.
This dance brought by a woman to wear traditional Dayak Kenyah tribe and in both hands holding a series of plume tails hornbills. Normally this dance ditarikan on a gong, so Kancet Ledo also called Dancing Gong.
4. Dancing Kancet welded
Describe daily life hornbills, birds are honored by the Dayak Kenyah tribe considered as a sign of greatness and heroism. Dancing is a dance Kancet welded single women tribe Dayak Kenyah the same movement and its position as Kancet Dancing Ledo, but the dancers do not take the gong and feathering hornbills and also many of the dancers take the position merendah and sit with the squat or knee touches the floor. Dance is more emphasis on the movement-movement when flying hornbills fly and roost on the perch tree limb.
5.Tari Leleng
This dance told a girl named Utan Along akan that is integrated by force by their parents with youth who do not dicintainya. Utan Along eventually fled into the forest. Dance girl tribe Dayak Kenyah ditarikan with this songbook songs accompanied Leleng.
Dancing Hudoq

6. Dancing Hudoq
This dance is done by using the mask-like timber that wild animals and use banana leaves or coconut leaves as a cover body dancers. Dance is closely related to the religious ceremonies of the Dayak ethnic group Bahau and Modang. Dancing Hudoq intended to gain strength in overcoming interference destructive plant pest and fertility expect given the harvest that many.
7. Hudoq We Dance '
Dance of Dayak Kenyah tribe is on the same principle Hudoq Dancing with the Dayak tribes from Bahau and Modang, ie, a ceremony to welcome the year for planting and the feeling of gratitude to the deity who gave the harvest is good. Differences anatara light Hudoq We Dance 'and Dance Hudoq have on costumes, masks, movement tarinya and music accompaniment. We Hudoq costumes dancers' long-sleeve shirt using fabric from the normal wear and cloth glove, while topengnya shaped the face of many ordinary people decorated with carvings typical Dayak Kenyah. There are two types of masks in dance Hudoq We ', which is made of wood and form a veil made of beads with jewelry Dayak Kenyah.
8. Dancing Serumpai
Dayak tribe Benuaq dance is done to deny the disease outbreaks and treat people bitten by a mad dog. Called Serumpai dance because dance music accompanied Serumpai tool (a kind of bamboo flute).
Dancing purchase Bawo

9. Dancing purchase Bawo
The ceremony aims to purchase Bawo reject it, treat the sick, the vows, and so forth. Once changed to dance, dance is often presented in the event receptionist and other arts events. Dance is a dance Benuaq Dayak tribe.
10. Dancing Kuyang
Purchase of a dance Benuaq Dayak tribes to drive the ghost-ghost keep the trees and the big high in order not to disturb the people or the person who cut down the tree.
11. Dancing Pecuk Kina
This describes the dance moves Dayak Kenyah tribe who move from areas APO Kayan (Kab. Bulungan) to the Long Segar (West Kutai Regency), which takes many years.
12. Dancing Datun
Dance is a dance with the girls race with a number of Dayak Kenyah not certain, may be 10 to 20 people. According to history, with this dance was created by a Dayak headman in APO Kayan Kenyah called Nyik Selung, as a sign of gratitude and excitement over the birth of a seed. Then dance to this whole growing area Dayak Kenyah tribe.
13. Dancing Ngerangkau
Dance dance Ngerangkau is customary in the case of death of the Dayak tribe and Tunjung Benuaq. Dance practice this equipment rice pounder who dibentur-benturkan regularly in the horizontal position, giving rise to a certain rhythm.
14. Baraga Dancing 'Bagantar
Originally Baraga 'purchase Bagantar ceremony is to treat infants with seeking assistance from Nayun Gantar. Now this ritual is a dance digubah by Dayak tribe Benuaq.

Kutai tribe dance art can be divided into 2 types, namely the People Dancing and Dancing Classic.
Dancing People
It is the artistic creation that arises amidst the general public. Folk dance movement combines elements of dance in the dance tribes inhabit the coastal region.
Included in Dancing is Rakyat:
1. Dancing Jepen
Jepen Kutai art is influenced by Malay culture and Islam. Art is very popular among people who lived in the Mahakam River and coastal areas in the coast.
Dance association is usually ditarikan in pairs, but can also be ditarikan single. Dancing Jepen is accompanied by a singsong rhythm and music special called Kutai Tingkilan. The tool consists of music gambus (a kind of guitar berdawai 6) and ketipung (such kendang small).
Populernya because of this, almost in every district there are groups Jepen while Tingkilan who each have their own style, so that the dance is growing rapidly with the emergence of new creations-creations such as Dancing Jepen fireplace, Jepen Gelombang Dance, Dance Jepen 29, Dance Dance Jepen Sidabil and Jepen strap.
Classic Dancing
Is a dance that grows and grows in the Kutai Kartanegara Palace in the past.
Including the Classical Dance Arts in Kutai is:
1. Dance offerings
This is the first dance dance women Palace Kutai Kartanegara, but eventually this could dance ditarikan anyone. Dance that accompanied this special gamelan music is presented to the guests who come to visit Kutai in an official ceremony. Dancers are not limited in number, the more penarinya is considered good.
Dancing Ganjur

2. Dancing Ganjur
Ganjur dance is a dance palace ditarikan man in a pair by using a tool called Ganjur (truncheon made of cloth and has a handle to hold). This dance accompanied by gamelan music and ditarikan the ceremony penobatan king, wedding party, guests welcome the kingdom, and the birth of the kingdom khitanan family. Dance is a lot of influence get out of the elements dance movement Java (Yogyakarta and Solo style).
3. Dancing Kanjar
Dance is not much different with Ganjur dance, just dance this ditarikan by men and women and gerakannya a bit more sprightly. Composition tariannya bit more free and not too tight with a pattern, so that dance can be equated as dance association. Dancing Kanjar in penyajiannya usually didahului by offering dance, because dance is also to honor guests and includes a dance crowd.
4. Dancing Topeng Kutai
Origin of this dance has a beginning relationship with the art of dance in the kingdom of Kediri and Singosari, but the movement dance and gamelan rhythm that follows a little different with that found in the kingdom of Kediri and Singosari. While the stories were in the dance is not so many differences, so too with costumes penarinya.
Kutai Dance Topeng divided into several types as follows:
01. Penembe
02. Kemindhu
03. Governor
04. Temenggung
05. Roamer
06. Wirun
07. Gunung Sari
08. Panji
09. Rangga
10. Togoq
11. Bota
12. Pudgy
Dewa dance Memanah

Kutai Dance Topeng only presented to the Palace alone, as family entertainment with dancers, dancers particular. Dance is also usually be penobatan king at the ceremony, marriage, birth and welcome guests Palace.
5. Dewa dance Memanah
This dance is done by the Ponggawa practice with a bow and arrow that culminate five. Ponggawa corral where the ceremony was held while the arrow and swing busurnya up and down, along with the bememang (the mantra) that its request to the gods that gods banish evil spirits, and ask ketentraman, fertility, prosperity for the people.

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